i’m 17 but why do i feel like i’m 71..?!! O_o

           (The story that will change your life ^^ )


Every day, i wake up with a really tired body and heavy head ! after a long night of remembering old memories and thinking of people i haven’t met long time ago 

It’s 12.00am , nothing special, this day is just like the past 6205 days …, so i just ley in bed, watch tv,eat and sleep . time is moving so slowly, the days are getting  longer and longer, that hole in my soul is getting deeper and deeper..

Suddenly , While i was sleeping, i heard  a noise as if a herd of elephants are coming toward me ,oh! it’s my young cousins and siblings

(i didn’t have an idea that these little souls  came to wake me from my coma).

-My sister said : « wake up! wake up ! get ready .. »,

With a small cute mirror in her hand  she started to style my hair , and when i looked to the mirror, i saw a young beautiful teenager , « ooh ! is that me ? » ,  » why  do i look young? » these questions popped into my brain …

And a strange feeling broke into my heart ! it made me feel active and young ! it brought my life back to me !!!in that moment i realized that   my journey didn’t end yet !! i have to  Start to explore  my Life,see every corner of the world, i want to see the sunrise, the sky and feel alive …!  what.. what .. i was doing  all this time !! ??

While  these thoughts were rolling in my mind ! my family members came , each one is holding a gift, and my grandmom with a big b-day cake  she said : » Happy 17th birthday, my dear ». 

– i said with a loud voice :  » yes!! i’m 17!17!.. i’m young ^^ » 

                                                 ♥ THE END ♥


thank you for reading !! 

this short story is the condition of a lot of teenagers ! 

if you feel  you’re old and you lived a lot .. 

i’d be happy to open your eyes and tell you that you still young, there’s planty of fabulous things are waiting for you !! they’re waiting for you to chase them and make them yours, you need just to look in the mirror 😉 


it is my first short story !!  stay tuned for more stories ^^

i’ll be happy to receive your comments, opinions, advices 🙂


2 commentaires sur “i’m 17 but why do i feel like i’m 71..?!! O_o

  1. Hello, I’m new here … I’ve read your topic, you have passion for writing and you know how to link scenes in a good way. I noticed some grammar mistakes just in case you wanted to be a pro anyway I really enjoyed it hmmm …. you are going to write about psycho stuff hahaha I’m reading them as soon as they’re published — keep it up we’re waiting

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